
发布时间:2019-01-15 点击:

    侵袭性曲霉菌病(invasive aspergillosis , ia)是曲霉菌感染人体致病最严重的一种形式。侵袭性曲霉菌病(invasive aspergillosis , ia)现已成为免疫力减弱的的儿童病人重要的发病和死亡因素,其预后状况取决于能否早期诊断、采取合适的治疗以及病人本身的抵抗能力。但因为儿童病人的特殊性,成人的一些诊断方法可能并不适合儿童。



    另一种方法是检测半乳甘露聚糖(galactomannan,gm)抗原,该抗原是发现与曲霉菌细胞壁上的一种特异性杂多糖,目前市场上广泛使用的是bio-rad公司的曲霉菌抗原检测试剂盒(plateliatm aspergillus ag),最近的一篇综合分析显示使用该产品进行检测的总体灵敏度和特异性分别可以达到0.73(95%ci,0.46-0.61)和0.90(95%ci,0.88-0.92),(7)其他一些研究也对使用了bio-rad公司曲霉菌抗原检测试剂盒(plateliatm aspergillus ag)在儿童病人中进行相关检测的情况进行了评估,在5项使用欧洲癌症研究和治疗组织和真菌病研究组(european organization for research and treatment cancer and mycoses study group, eortc/msg)标准并包含了充分病人个体信息的儿童病人研究中,综合的灵敏度和特异性达到了0.76(95%ci,0.62-0.87)和0.86(95%,0.68-0.95),(8)~(12)这比上面来自成人的gm试验分析数据更加有意义。




    (1) burgos a, zaoutis te, dvorak cc,et al. pediatric invasive aspergillosis:a multicenter retrospective analysis of 139 contemporary cases. pediatrics 2008;121:e1286-94

    (2) breener dj, hall ej. computed tomography—an increasing source of radiation exposure. jengl j med 2007; 357:2277-84.

    (3) hall ej, brenner dj. cancer risks from diagnostic radiology. br j radiol 2008;81:362-78

    (4) robbins e. radiation risks from imaging studies in children with cancer. pediatr blood cancer 2008;51:453-7

    (5) dornbusch hj, groll a, walsh tj. diagnosis of invasive fungal infections in immunocompromised children. clin microbiol infect 2010;16:1328-34

    (6) smith pb, benjamin dk jr., et al. quantification of 1,3-beta-d-glucan levels in children:preliminary data for diagnostic use of the beta-glucan assay in a pediatric setting. clin vaccine immunol 2007;14:924-5

    (7) pfeiffer cd, fine jp et al. diagnosis of invasive aspergillosis using a galactomannan assay: a meta-analysis. clin infect dis 2006;42:1417-27

    (8) challier s, boyer s et al. development of a serum-based taqman real-time pcr assay for diagnosis of invasive aspergillosis. j clin microbiol 2004;42:866-6

    (9) ei-mahallawy ha, shaker hh, et al. evaluation of pan-fungal pcr assay and aspergillus antigen detection in the diagnosis of invasive fungal infections in high risk paediatric cancer patients. med mycol 2006;44:733-9

    (10) hovi l, saxen h, et al. prevention and monitoring of invasive fungal infections in pediatric patients with cancer and hemotologic disorders. pediatr blood cancer 2007;48:28~34

    (11) steinbach wj, addison rm, et al. prospective aspergillus galactomannan antigen testing in pediatric hematopoietic stem cell trasplant recipients. pediatr infect dis j 2007;26:558-64

    (12) hayden r, pounds s, et al. galactomannan antigenemia in pediatric oncology patients with invasive aspergillosis. pediatr infect dis j 2008;27:815-9

